Frontpage Day




Transitioning from Effective Site Studios to Microsoft Office FrontPage 2000

Overcoming Limitations and Expanding Possibilities

The following screenshots were taken as of the writing of this article (4/10/24). I added a date functionality to some of these websites that actually update according to the local time. Please keep in mind that some dates displayed will conflict with the order of events because of that function.

    When I decided to build the website, my primary goal was to offer relative information. I installed Debian on a spare computer to host various games, which gave me the option to install the Apache HTTP server. Initially, the plan was to feature essential server information such as IPs, game files, and guides that were useful to the people playing these games. Later on, I decided to highlight communities worth exploring, especially in gaming and tech circles. I also ended up linking to other projects I wanted to share with people. As I developed the website further, I realized the potential to begin including actual projects directly on the website.

2022 - Wordpress -
Before, there was The information website was initially hosted on Wordpress, but Wordpress is sometimes blocked from being linked as it is a platform used for unethical activities.

2022 - Codepen -
r0r0 really loved the layout of the Wordpress page and offered to set me up with a starting point that would allow me to start making use of the Apache HTTP server. He posted the code for this version on Codepen.

    Not many people know that I've been experimenting with the creative aspects of website content for quite some time. Beginning with Weebly, then trying out Blogger in-between, and currently hosting all my articles on Wordpress, including remakes of my earlier articles. With, I finally realized several creative projects such as Mega Grid West and the OC Donut Steels page. Despite smooth progress with getting these projects out there, Effective Site Studio was not too lenient with the layout, particularly in organizing page content and formatting.

2008 - Weebly
During high school, I thought the idea of having my own website was cool. It was a place to share my video game content. I was finally free to follow my own rules and post absolutely anything I wanted. Even back then, I thought places like MySpace moved far too fast to make any content I shared feel significant. KKO stands as my first steps in establishing a stable foothold where my content wouldn't be drowned by online drama or be held back by stinky forum rules.

2018 - Wordpress
As the years went by, Weebly kind of fell by the wayside as using their free domains would get blocked since people used them for things like phishing websites. I moved to wordpress where my articles are currently hosted. I briefly experimented with Blogger but I liked the features of Wordpress a lot more.

    Before settling on the current format, I explored various website-building software options but encountered limitations and complications. Mobirise, for instance, didn't handle low-resolution content well and lacked the retro website aesthetic. Other website builders required my domain being transferred to their service on top of charging me a fee to use their more interesting features. Then there were website builders that required elaborate systems that basically funneled me to having to move the website onto a datacenter when the whole point is to host the website myself. Eventually I realized that in order to bypass these predatory industry practices, I had to look towards vintage software. Where else would I obtain the old school website look anyway? My initial options were HTML editors such as Nvue, Kompozer, and SeaMonkey Compose. Yeah, they got me great results as far as basic websites went but having explored first hand what a fully-featured website could be like thanks to Weebly, I needed to seek more advanced editors.

2022 - Mobirise
Mobirise is free to self-host but many of the nicer features are locked behind a paywall. It's not the worst option either since it has decent templates to work with. The templates are also compatible with desktop and mobile browsers.

2022 - Mobirise
Another reason why I didn't stick with Mobirise is because low resolution content is not handled correctly.

    I experimented with several old-school website builders, including Macromedia Dreamweaver before Apple's acquisition, which offered far too many manual tools than I knew what to do with. Where I hit my stride with was when I stumbled upon Effective Site Studio's earlier version on The 2004 version was incredibly easy to work with and offered the bare essentials which lead to an amazing website. Not too long after, I upgraded to the 2006 version of Effective Site Studio which provided additional tool enhancing the website. As the site's needs expanded, I encountered limitations with the tool's built-in features and handling for the text format. There were several bugs such as text being deleted if you edited certain parts of a paragraph, and other annoying bugs. I put up with them because I couldn't find anything as simple or easy to use. Eventually, r0r0 recommended Microsoft Office FrontPage 2000, which provided the breathing room I needed.

2022 - Effective Site Studio 2004
This is a really great website editor and is where I hit my stride. I do not regret Effective Site Studio being my first local website editor. It is where I successfully put a self-hosted website together consisting of my own content and desired layout.

2023 - Effective Site Studio 2004
In 2023 I finally began implementing feedback such as choosing an overall color theme that felt more natural to look at. This is the beginning of the "Grey Theme" era.

2023 - Effective Site Studio 2006
While the upgrade was significant, it still had many of the same bugs as the 2004 version, but it also provided many benefits in the form of built-in functions. This is  the last iteration of using Effective Site Studios 2006.

This transition marks a significant shift for, allowing for more advanced features and functions. While Effective Site Studio served its purpose, FrontPage 2000 offers greater flexibility and potential for expansion. If you're reading this, you're already experiencing the Microsoft Office FrontPage 2000 version of I anticipate this change will offer visitors content in a more engaging format, and present new opportunities down the line.

I hope everyone discovers something relevant to their interests on the revamped

Arthur Kannibal

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Last modified: 04/19/24